Key Post How to find a High Court Judgment

Brendan Burgess

To find all High Court judgments involving for example, the Financial Services Ombudsman
Click on search button (on the right above the pictures)
fill in "Financial Services Ombudsman" in the Search Box
Choose "Judgments" below it
Click on "Click to search"

Alternatively click on the following
Advanced Search Page (for judgments)

In Search String, type in Financial Services Ombudsman
Select High Court

To find a specific case

For example, Walsh v The FSO Type in "Walsh and Financial Services Ombudsman"

I can't figure out how to search by Case number?
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To Search by case number:-

For Example

Judgment Title:McEvoy & Anor -v- Financial Services Ombudsman & Anor

High Court Record Number:2011 135MCA

In this case the year is 2011 and the case number is 135 and MCA stands for Miscellaneous Common Law Appeal

So go to

Click High Court Search under On-Line services on the RHS of the homepage.

Read and accept (If you do) the conditions.

In the search form put 2011 as the year and 135 as the case no.

Under the Proceedings drop down box choose MCA

You can then click into the case and you will get a list of filings for the case
Hi Ding Ding

That doesn't work for me for the above example, although the judgment is on the system, I can't find it in the manner you suggest.

I get a page with the judgment listed on it, but I can't actually see the judgment?
I noticed that as well.

But if you get the date of the judgement you can go through all the judgements since to try and find it.

It is a very un user friendly site.
Has the Search function changed?

I find it impossible to use.

I am looking for the judgement in this case and can't find it.

JudgeMs. Justice Baker
Judgment Date22 May 2017
Neutral Citation[2017] IEHC 332
Date22 May 2017
Docket Number[2016 No. 282 CA],[2016 No. 282 CA] [C:IS:ESLH:2016:000463]
CourtHigh Court
Thanks Dr.
That is brilliant.

I tried all that you suggested including Google and couldn't find it.

I just put on 2017 iehc 332 without brackets and on its own and it popped up. Same on courts but I had to scroll to find the case.
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