How much can a single person earn tax-free in 2011?

Mrs. Doyle

Registered User
Hi All,

Just looking for an updated figure on this subject. How much can a single person earn tax free in 2011? Their total income for the year will most likely be €12,500.
Results from

Gross Pay: €12,500
Tax: 0
USC: 300
Net pay: €12,200

Tax calculation:

12,500@20%= 2,500

Less Credits
Single peson: €1,650
PAYE: €1,650
Total credits: €3,300 exceed tax, so no tax is due.

A single person can earn €16,500 tax-free in 2011

@ 20% = 3,300
Less tax credits: €3,300
So no tax is due

A self-employed person who did not qualify for the PAYE credit, starts paying tax at 20% on their income over €8,250.

Exemption limits for people aged over 65
Single/Widowed: €18,000
Married: €36,000