How long does a Carers Allowance decision take



Last month I was awarded a Domiciliary allowance for my son and straight after I applied for a Carers allowance with social welfare.

Can anyone advise me on how long these application take as financially we are sruggling
The Carers Allowance was awarded to me after 12 weeks but I will have to wait between 2 to 6 weeks to receive the backdated amount due to me.
Hi Milfantastic...

I applied for Half Rate Carer's allowance... (I recieve Disability Allowance, and am caring for my mother)...

I applied on Sept 27th 2007 (The day it became available!)... I recieved a letter informing me of being awarded it on Dec 20th 2007... To be fair, I recieved a cheque for the backdated payment (€1,284) on the 24th Dec...

So my advice is to plan for a wait of three months, and if it's any shorter, well that's a bonus!...

Please let us know how it goes...
Cheers Darthvadar,

I emailed social welfare and they emailed be back the next day saying it usually takes 14 weeks to process.

I'll wait, hopefully the wait will be worth it though!!
You're more than welcome, Mil...

On the plus side, Mil, It'll be nice to get the backdated payment cheque!...

Please let us know how it works out...
