How do I grow Basil.

I've grown Basil well for the last 2 years from seeds and have had loads of it. I agree with all of the above. Over watering is the biggest problem. It's also said that it "doesn't like to go to bed wet" so water in the morning andkeep in a bright warm area - sunroom/windowsil etc. I used to water every second morning. If the compost is moist - skip a day. That's my tuppence worth anyway!
Be careful too what window-sill you put it on, I have found it to be very intolerant to draughts, so make sure there are no draughty windows, it can withstand sunshine but not baking hot sun. .
Thats very interesting Ophelia and could be some of my problem as I have the plant near my french doors which are always being used and left open.