Houses in Tyrrelstown



Can anyone tell how the area ? are the new houses in tyrellstown are good to buy? Any comments?

I've lived in Tyrrelstown since May 2003 and have had few complaints.

Good points - you're at the end of the 38C and 40D bus routes and so can get plenty of buses in and out of town including Nite Links. The town centre in Tyrrelstown should be open in March / April, with Superquinn, Lidl, pub, couple of restaurants, chemist etc. Blanchardstown Centre is only down the road anyway, and it has pretty much everything you'll need. Nice layout to the estate with loads of different house styles and cul-de-sacs. Two golf courses on either side if you're that way inclined. Great community spirit - check out [broken link removed]

Bad points - builders are still working away on the final phases so you have to put up with construction traffic. Management company's agents are fair-to-middling at best. Traffic in or out of town at rush hours can be nightmarish, but that's common to all of D15, not just Tyrrelstown.

Tyrrelstown is close to Ladyswell estate and about two miles away from Corduff. These are estates with reputations for anti-social behaviour, drugs, Westies etc. Been there nearly two years and I'm not aware of any of this type of behavious spilling into Tyrrelstown. Talking with some of the locals, I believe that these estates get bad names due to the actions of a very small minority of their residents. But isn't it always the way - bad news spreads like wildfire, decent people making their way through life rarely get reported.
I agree that the layout of the estate is good and the roads also good. I heard that there is corporation estate (may be its a wrong term!) near by that may be a problem.
Any other views?

Is the houses built here good quality ?

Thanks Lucretia1 for your comments.

hi joel

i have to agre with all that lucretia said, living there over a year, few teething problems with the house but the builders were good about it

very quiet about the place

The estate that you mentioned is Ladyswell - a nearby local authority estate. We've been there nearly two years and have never had any problems, nor evidence that anyone else has. From what I can see, the people in Ladyswell are getting on with their lives, just as we are in Tyrrelstown.
Thanks Lucretia1.
Anyway I am going to have a look at the house (phase V, I think its called Mount garret?), this week end.

As it happens, you're lucky. You're thinking about buying in one of the last phases and the shopping centre will be open by the time your house is complete. We had to put up with living on a building site and having no shopping centre.
I saw 3 Bed in tyrrelstown which is being built by merville homes ltd.
Just wondering how the house quality?
I saw some where that there are sound proofing problems in recently built houses (may be by some specific builders).
How is the soundproofing in merville homes built houses?

Is there a map available of Tyrrelstown on line? I want to visit a friend there, and while they will give us directions, I find it helps to have a map of the area!!

Not offence to those living there but I knew somebody who upped and left and found it far from peaceful. I think it was one particular part of the first phase whrere there was constant noise form one particular set of "neighbours"!!
Moving house because your neighbours are noisy sounds to me like an isolated incident, not a reflection on the area. We've never had problems with noisy neighbours.
My sister moved in to Tyrrelstown before Christmas and she has no problems living there. I think it is a great layout of houses, it already feels like a well established estate and it has variety - not like those other estates where every house is the same. When the town and all the shops are up and running I'd say it will be a great place to live and bring up a family, etc.