House Prices after SSIA release?



Was thinking of buying an apartment in the latter half of next year, however I was listening to the radio and they reckon that we money is released from the SSIA scheme the demand for property will rocket.
Any opinions on this people?
Will prices rise an awful lot?
Will builders be even wealthier and what sort of % increases can we expect?
I am curious too! The other line of thought about this issue goes this way – since SSIA was brought in to entice into saving some of the disposable income, to control inflation etc, why would the situation be any different in 2006 when everyone has some liquid cash and more disposable income? Wouldn’t that prompt the government to come up with a similar scheme, and if its attractive enough, it might even reduce house prices, well, I am only speculating here, I have no idea how this is going to go!