house plans



Hi, need urgent advise,
we're in process of buying newly built house in new development, the house plans we received are a mirror plan of the house, the auctioneer told me that there was only one plan used by the builders and our house is on the outside row opposite the other houses, they are all identical on the outside but our inside is different in that our rooms are in the opposite side than that shown on the plans. Apparently this hasn't been a problem for all the other buyers but I'm just concerned that if we sell up in a few years that our house plans will put off potential house buyers as while all the room sizes and dimensions are correct that everything looks the other way round. I've probably not explained this very well but how important is it to have the exact correct plans from the builders or are mirror plans ok?
cheers for the reply, my partner is stressing that we should have the proper plans but it would mean the original architect drawing up a new set when everybody else seems happy with the plans they've received. This is in turn stressing me out as its been one of the things delaying us being able to sign contracts, aaargh the frustration kills me!!! I just want to get on with things now but my darling boyfriend things I'm being naive and that we should have the proper plans.............
cheers I'll definitely be telling him that, the drama queen!!!
Why not double check with your local planning department.
We sold our house this year and ended up having to apply for retention planning as the house plans which were submitted by the original builder were a mirror image of what was built, the inside layout was not the issue but the windows, patio door were all in a different place to the plans so the house was non compliant. We also had problems with a difference in roof design. When we bought it never came to light as an issue, the enforcement period had passed but we still ended up having a delay of 16 weeks while the retention went through. Plus associated costs as the builder and the engineer who had signed of the compliance cert were long gone! Ours was a small development of 2 houses and the chances are nobody would go to this level of checking with a house in a large development (apart from me now that i have been caught once!). I am sure the planning dept will be able to put your mind at rest.