House left empty for 3 years no idea who owns it?


Registered User
Wondering if anyone can help,the house joined onto mine has been unoccupied for about 3 years, it was previously rented with lots of different coming and goings, it was always in need of repair but managed to be rented somehow. Anyway last tenants left 3 years ago grass is couple of feet high,garden full of rubbish, back garden has bags of rubbish thrown over wall total health hazard and totally in disrepair, post in hall mounting up, worst thing is when I look in the window I can see ceiling has collapsed in kitchen now. I am terrified this will affect my property. I contacted the council who tell me its not classed as derilict. Is there any way of finding out who owns a house like this, can they be forced to take action to maintain to some standard?
I am also afraid squatters will move in as it is so obviously unoccupied?

Any suggestions?
This post might give some advice. There are others if you run the main search option on the front page but they will probably only give you the same info.

As the house has previously been rented you may get some info on the PRTB register (i.e. if it was ever registered with them) although it is unlikely in light of it now being unoccupied.

You may also find something here.

It is best to follow it up as I recall a house near us being left empty for many years. Eventually the pipes burst and flooded the semi-detached house next door.