Home improvement - could I get a mortgage


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Looking for advice on financing an extension on my home. Have our mortgage currently with BOS, remaining mortgage is 150k and value of house is approx 285k. Presumably BOS won't lend to me as they have pulled out, is my only option a large home improvement loan with AIB or similar....?
Have I any other options?
Why don't you just move your mortgage to AIB and at the same time ask for money for an extension?
Why don't you just move your mortgage to AIB and at the same time ask for money for an extension?
Fine if your'e not on a tracker rate. Not practical if you are! CERTUS are not lending, so you are limited in your options. A personal loan may be an option if the amount required is relatively low!
Yeah I'm on a tracker, and I won't give that up... Think I'll be saving up so, think a personal loan would cost too much as I need about 50k.