Hide a thread option


Registered User
I know we can follow a thread to get alerted if there is a new post.
And we can ignore specified posters.

But is there an option in the forum software to allow you to ignore threads?
Are you trying to ignore the Coronavirus thread?? :eek:

That's a forum mon ami :)
Boards.ie did try to have a single thread for Coronavirus but after about 100,000 posts they realised they needed a whole forum too as no human could keep up with it anymore.
Just certain threads within the forum, or well any forum, that are now 'dead' to me.
I know we can follow a thread to get alerted if there is a new post.
And we can ignore specified posters.

But is there an option in the forum software to allow you to ignore threads?

Why would you want to ignore just a thread? Why would you not just continue on past it in the New Posts section just like I do with all your other threads :p:p:p
Why would you want to ignore just a thread? Why would you not just continue on past it in the New Posts section just like I do with all your other threads :p:p:p

And I do have a lot of threads...

This way if you've already decided to ignore a thread mentally, this will do it automatically at the touch of a button...so I'll take that as a +1 in support of my suggestion:)