Health Insurance help with health insurance


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help with health insurance

got a quote of over 2k for health insurance today, 2 adults, 2 kids. both kids and myself have medical cards for our illnesses, dh does not. Really struggling to afford the health insurance but don't want to give it up completely. could anyone recommend a plan for dh but a very basic one for myself and the kids, don't want to lose it. none of us ever need to be admitted to hospital thankfully. don't want cashback at the gp or consultants either.
Hi carolineobrien,

Welcome to AAM.
I don't know what company you're with at the moment.
VHI have half price offers for children from 1 January 2016.

Plans worth considering as follows;
1. Self-Wife; One Plan Starter; price 539; All the public hospitals covered. No private hospital cover, no gp etc.
2. Children; One + Plan; price 131 per child; all public, private and hi-tech hospitals covered, no gp cover.
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Plans worth considering for husband;
1. Laya Flex 500 Explore; price 661pa, all public, private and hi-tech hospital cover, 500 excess for admission to a private/hi-tech hospital, very limited day to day cover. No excess for any public hospital.
2. Laya Flex 250 Explore; price 854pa; all public,private and hi-tech hospital cover, 250 excess on admission to a private/hi-tech hospital, very limited day to day cover; No excess applies to any public hospital.
3. VHI One Plan 500; price 692; all public, private and Beacon hospital cover. 500 x 2 excess for private/beacon admission, very limited day to day cover.
4. VHI One Plan 250; price 815pa; all public, private and Beacon hospital cover. 250 x 2 excess for private/Beacon admission, limited day to day cover.
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Total family price example; 539 + 131 + 131 = 801
801 + 661 = 1462
Depending on what plan is chosen for husband will determine the overall family price.
