Help me come up with a slogan

That HSE ad that's on at the moment makes me smile, it targets hospital visitors in the 'wash your hands' campaign - would have thought it would be significantly more important to target doctors and nurses, the real culprits in all of this.

Perhaps as a corrollary the HSE could run ads by visitors aimed at nurses.

"... we appreciate your patients, so please wash your hands"
Completely agree - with bushfire - on a serious note - when I was nursing a test was done on the hands of staff on the award and the amount of staff who were carriers of MRSA was astonishing...
Hi Guys,
I have a friend who is a nurse working in a large hospital in Dublin, she has asked me to help her come up with a catchy slogan to encourage staff to wash their hands....

Any suggestions would be great:)

Dont be afraid of the tap it wont attack you
Do YOU really need to be encourged to wash YOUR hands?
You dirty BUGGER!!

Would YOU treat YOUR Family with YOUR hands,
NO? So why would you treat someone elses!

or (MRSA)

Mature Responsibility Saves Agony