
[font color=purple size=4]Hello!!

I am just wondering if anybody has had problems with their builder in relation to Sound Proofing of their home. We have bought a house in Drogheda and it seems that we are not the only ones complaining of the bad sound proofing. It is so bad that we can actually hear the conversation next door, microwave, telly (as in the programs) cutlery being used!!!! The builder doesnt want to know and says he is "happy" that they are up to stratch and that they passed the testing that was done!!!!!

Any advice on what to do next would be appreciated.

Contact a solicitor/lawyer who is in the business.He will give you the advice to get a testing done by a professional.There are legal limits of sound transmission,but they might not have been translated into Irish law.Still you have the right to them ,your lawyer will explain the juristic position to you.It might be worth to consider the funding of a neighborhood group to share the initial costs.A case with the evidence you are giving(cutlery noise!)is a winning case.But the builder might decide to go bankrupt which is his legal way out of it.Imagine the EU consumers organisation would have taken office in Dublin-we would call it the "EU sellers and hawkers organisation".Check ,press the flag symbol for English.
So try to share the costs.

The link has no English translation,sorry.The EU consumers organisation is called BEUC,try to find their web page.At the moment they seem to have difficulties with it,no link,sorry.
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Contact your local authority also - they have a role in enforcing building standards.

Anyone know what the requirements are around this...we too can hear loads of stuff from next door, including doors opening and closing, telly etc etc.
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When I looked into it before there were no decibel levels specified. Merely a phrase saying that the the structure should be able to contain a reasonable amount of noise. I'll try and pull it out of somewhere.