Health Insurance Health insurance questions


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Hi. My head is spinning from all that HI reading and I only feel slightly wiser. I would really appreciate if you could help me with my questions. I'm 38 and new to HI. I'm going through a fertility treatment and I need to have a procedure done within the next few months. I found out that the cost in a private hospital is 3k while it would be free with HI. It's probably too late to get that organised now because of the waiting periods. But I might need more things done in the future so I finally would like to get a health insurance. I checked Laya and Connect Care 100 or 150 would be my first choice but I'm not sure if that would be of any use at the moment.

Now, my questions are:
1. Will Laya cover my regular hormonal blood tests and GP visits? Will the insurance treat them as part of the fertility treatment= preexisting condition? Will the waiting period apply for them?
2. Could I do my 3k scope if referred to the private hospital by my GP? And how long would the waiting period be?
3. What if I need to do more tests in the next few months/years? Could I claim them back?
4. If I can't claim those test and procedures should I consider a cheaper insurance? Or is it better to pay a higher premium straight away?

I really hope to get some answers from you.

Thank you.
Hi Clara78,

A person taking out health insurance for the first time has a 5 year waiting time to serve for any pre-existing conditions. New conditions will be
covered after the first 26 weeks waiting, which is standard waiting for a new customer.
So, unfortunately that 3k procedure would not be covered for 5 years if you take out health insurance.
You would have to pay for it yourself privately and claim a partial tax refund on a Form Med 1 with Revenue.

As a 38 yr old taking out health insurance for the first time, you will be charged an extra 8% loading onto the cost of the policy, 2% for each year
you are over 34 years. This extra loading applies for life, unless you had health insurance in the past at any stage - credit will be given for each
previous year you held cover.

While there is a 5 year waiting for hospital treatment for pre-existing conditions, there is no waiting time for day to day outpatient cover with Laya
part refunds for gp visits, consultant visits, dental etc - this part of the plan is allowable straight away.
I'm not 100% sure regarding cover being allowed for specific blood tests in relation to a pre-existing condition. You could verify this either by phone or online chat before deciding on a plan. The gp, consultant visits would be allowed.
The Connectcare 100 or 150 plans are very good plans to keep in mind for a later stage - after your 5 years waiting is over.

A cheaper plan, including day to day outpatient cover with Laya, worth considering is 'Control 300 Create' price 1039pa + 8% loading.
A cheaper plan, with no day to day cover with Laya, as follows; Flex 500 Explore price 661pa + 8% loading.

[broken link removed]

You could choose either plan for the first 5 years. They both include all 3 levels of hospital cover, public, private and hi-tech.

Note; the above 2 plans will both increase in price from 1 July 2016, so you would need to sign up in June to avoid the increases.

Regards, Snowyb
Thank you very much Snowy. Your reply was very helpful. I listened to your advice and I got a Control 300 Create plan.
