Have people forgotton their income will be reduced significantly in May?

Myself and the present wife were in BTs in Grafton St on Bank Holiday Monday. The shop was empty. It was like a return to the '80's. It was a pleasure not to have to mingle with the nouveau riche riff raff and be able to look at the Duchamps ties, Gant casual wear and Armani suits in comfort. Let the loadzamoney inverted snobs stick to Dundrum and Liffey Valley. Money cannot buy class or style.
Ha,good one,though Id leave out Dundrum in that assesment!
Have you been to Harvey Nics???
So many mercs so little parking space
Well said DerKaiser - There are a lot of people who have stopped spending in panic mode almost and when you ask them why they can't really answer it. I think they are caught up in the media hype. I myself am being made redundant but had I not my disposable income had improved with mortgage interest rate cuts etc. Hopefully I will get another job and can now afford to take a pay cut as will probably be needed to gain new employment.
Lucky you..some people are not however in such a position,ie; fixed rate morgages.,Construction industry workers,sr technics to name but a few..hopefully they will get another job too,but at the moment this doesnt seem to be happening.
I heard someone on the radio today talk about how the banks stress tested peoples applications,based on their income.But it doesnt seem to have worked,as they appears to be a lot of people in trouble with repayments

Fixed interest rate mortgages are peoples own doing. Remember they had a choice. They really in truth cannot cry when the horse has bolted. After all if the interest rates had gone the other way which they might do in the coming months or years they'd be laughing.

Exactly when I chose a tracker I get a lot of people saying I was mad but I knew the risk I was taking and also stressed tested myself with a budget based on 1% higher repayments. I didn't however factor in the fact that I could lose my job as previously it wouldn't have taken too long to find another. It is a lot harder at the moment but hopefully things will eventually improve.