Have EBS removed all current account fees?

According to Bonkers, EBS charge current account fees unless you meet conditions.

Also, according to CCPC, EBS charge current account fees unless you meet conditions.

The [broken link removed] still include fees.

However, EBS have now posted this [broken link removed] which seems to indicate that all fees have been removed as at 1 September 2016. (Although technically the changes apply from 30 December 2016, the fee removal has been back dated to 1 September 2016).

The notice refers to the Basic Payment Account compliance. Most other banks have created a segregated product to comply with the Basic Payment Account rules. It seems that EBS have made their core current account product as being Basic Payment Account compliant?

Am I correct in saying that fees are gone with the EBS Money Manager current account product?
Reckon so but EBS are not going to shout it from the rooftops. Great news considering the changes PTSB made to it's offering. I was lucky to get a PTSB lodge €1,500 every month and it's FREE account but anybody wanting to go FREE now this is the option.
I'd expect consumerhelp.ie to update it's website next week -usually they are spot on.
Confirmed that EBS Money Manager is now totally free with no conditions. I will update the best buys shortly.
I'd imagine, given their minute market share, it was easier to make their main product compliant than create a new complaint product to run in tandem.