have a few € that need investing



Hello All!
I'm new and this is my first post.
My question is as follows:
I have 12OOO€ sitting in the bank doing nothing, where would be the best/safest place to invest these for a couple of years until I buy a house?
My brother also has about 18000€ he needs to invest also.

Try having a look at the Best Buys posts initially: http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=75924 - for a list of options.

rates the Credit rating of the different banks etc. - which is an indication of the protection that your deposit accounts will have initially.

As for your brother - any advisor would have to understand his risk tolerance - there is no one right answer - or there would not be a site like this!

The key answer for your 12k would be: put it into a high interest lump sum deposit account, and then transfer 1k per month, into the highest interest regular savings account. At the end of the year, review the rates on offer, and choose the most appropriate account at the time to continue building your nest egg.

The details vary for which acccount you should put your lump sum into, and which one has the best interest rates at any one time - again, have a look at the "Best Buys" section to see what's on offer at the moment.

Anglo can give you 8% on your regular savings at the moment. Most institutions on that post are offering 7% and above.