Has the font on askaboutmoney changed?

Brendan Burgess

Anyone else see any diffence in the appearance of askaboutmoney?

It seems to be smaller?

I have looked at other websites, and I don't notice any change.

I haven't intentionally changed any settings on either vBulletin or on my pc.

tried a few browsers but not a great change in any. The problem these days it is so easy to tweak fonts eg chrome is just ctrl and scroll. with safari when it opens it does look smaller but again can easily be increased.

so what browser are you using?
No, looks the same.

What browser are you using? Some allow a separate zoom factor per window/tab.

I'm always accidentally changing the zoom on mine. As well as a zoom dropdown menu, the browser reacts to "pinch" gestures on the laptop trackpad.
I use Firefox

But it seems the same for other websites.

Looking at it again now, it may be narrower, rather than smaller. Not sure if that makes any sense?

So, I am now looking at it in Internet Explorer and it's back the way it was.

In Firefox, I can see more posts per page, so the font is smaller ( not just thinner)

And it is smaller on other websites as well. So I have changed some FireFox setting.


Control + zooms the screen in Firefox

so it looks as if I Controlled - by accident.

I had not realised that it was so easy to zoom a screen. This will be very useful.

The font is still different though. Less bold. I prefer how it looks in IE. I wonder have I changed some other setting?


From looking at Internet Explorer I have Times New Roman as my Webpage font and Courier New as my plain text font.

It seems on Firefox that I have Courier New or something similar. Although under options I have chosen Times New Roman