Hands up if you have 'the flu'

I think these things genuinely affect different people in different ways. For instance both my husband and I came down with viral meningitis one christmas. He was completely debilitated, I thought I just had a bad cold until the doctor diagnosed us. I'm fairly hardy though- I think if I had to stay in bed sick I'd go mad. But then maybe I've never really been that sick?

Although of course, I'm not a man, so...
Your post basically said you hate people staying at home with flus and colds and that you don't do this, but only take time off if you are hospitalised. It is that attitude I was criticising.

Did you not see the smile after the first part I wrote i.e. taking the mickey. Chill out ;)
You seem to be very selective about your post and what you said.

I will 'chill out' when people stop coming into work sniffing, coughing and sneezing all over people and then, when half the office ends up out sick, go around boasting about how they 'never stay off sick'.
I love that ad on the telly at the moment where the two sniffling women meet adn discuss their schedules for the day, one rushing hoem to medicate a husband in bed with 'the flu'. (ah, bless him, the other says!). But can't rememebr what it is advertising!

Yes, sexism is alive and well in advertising.

Caveat, I agree 100%; a bad cold is not the flu.
Originally Posted by Welfarite
I love that ad on the telly at the moment where the two sniffling women meet adn discuss their schedules for the day, one rushing hoem to medicate a husband in bed with 'the flu'. (ah, bless him, the other says!). But can't rememebr what it is advertising!
One of my favorite adds... When I was looking after 4 nieces and nephews in our house a few years ago, Mr Bear "got sick" and retired to bed for the day to watch DVD's!!:) Since then I speak of his "man" flu day... :) He still gets upset with me:)
It amazes me how some people, when they have the flue or are sick, can still watch the TV. If I am sick I just want to go to bed and die ( I mean sleep it off)