gym payments



Hi, I joined a gym last year for a year. When the year was up I just didnt go back. However I have just got a bank statement and the gym has been still taking out the monthly fee. I called the bank and got them to cancel the direct debit. I just called the gym and they are going to get back to me. However the girl I spoke to said that I should have notified them that I was not renewing the membership with a letter. If this doesn't happen their computer system automatically renews the membership. She was doubtful that I would get my 3 months money back. I was wondering does anyone know where I stand in this situation? I would be most grateful for any advice. Thanks.
I'm sure this would have been covered in the original contract you signed to join the gym. If so, you're out of luck.
Over the years I been a member of quite a few gyms and have never heard of a 'rolling' membership which is what your gym seems to have in place. As you said yourself you 'joined for the year'. Check your membership form but it sure sounds unusual to me.

Which gym was it?
I have been in a few gyms & all that I have been in made me join for the minimum of a year, I could cancel once the year was up but it had to be in writing and they had to get 2 months notice, otherwise it was on a "rolling" contract as someone else referred to it.
I had a similar problem, I just had to cut my losses at the end of the day. The stress of trying to chase something like this up can become quite a lot!.

Good luck though, and let us know how you do. :)