guiding daughter in choice of future career

As a lecturer at a third level institution I have to say that we see quiet a bit of 'helicopter parenting' where a parent assumes too much responsibility for their child's future life choices. I am not saying this is the case here with the OP however I would advise you to take a step back and remember that it isn't like it was 20 years ago whereby your Leaving Cert essentially determined your life chances. Today people move in and out of careers and hence in and out of formal education. The ability to return to college and get access to previously unaccessible courses is now common - think of barristers, medicine etc. I understand it is difficult to stand back but I can honestly say that my colleagues and I can pick out a mile off those young adults who's parents are overly involved in their lives - its shows in their attendance, their contributions and ultimately their marks. If you want to give your child the best possible start be there to listen, offer an opinion if asked for it and be ready to support them irrespective of your desires, dreams or ambitions for them!
hey olivia. that career guidance woman is marie barrett. went there bout 5 years ago when i was still tryin to figure out what i wanted to do-expensive but worth it for some clarity.I am 28. i studied fine art after my leaving-it was all i ever wanted to do. but the reality of career prospects and loss of interest etc. led me to drop put after 2 years. worked my way up in retail to management, then lived abroad for few years and now have a job i really enjoy with the HSE. I decided that i wouldn't rush into another course until i was really 100% sure that it was what i wanted to do, so now i'm studying for a degree in addiction counselling part-time and absolutely love it. i'm so glad i had the chance to do other things coz i'm a completely diffrent person now than i was at 18. anyway my advice is even if your daughter makes the wrong decision now it won't be the end of the world there are ways around everything and she will get to where she wants to be (even if it takes ten years);)