Growing Up In Ireland

Your dinner being kept warm on a plate covered by another plate on a pot of boiling water. The gravy gone hard and the taste of the whole dinner yuk. Thank God for microwaves.

I also remember hearing way back then that american people had remote controls for changing the station on the TV and thinking that they must be the laziest people on earth. That was until 15 years later when my own remote control broke down and I nearly had a nervous breakdown.

There was only one type of spagetti/pasta and that came in a tin. Garlic was something disgusting that continental Italian & French people stank of. What were they thinking of to eat something to make them smell like that.

There was only one type of red wine aand it was very sophisticated - The French adore P'iat Dor and Blue Nun or Black Tower if you wanted white.

Tapeing Top of the Pops off the TV and someone daring to speak in the room when you were trying to so it.

Also came across the Jackie annual in Borders over the Christmas and aalso another annual of the Claire and Cathy problem pages. Were we innocent or what? In hindsight problems seem much smaller and less serious then but at the time they were a matter of life and death

Buying a small cardboard tub of icecream, where the cardboard lid doubled as the scoop for eating it. "Scoop" got soggy half way through. Can't remember when separate spoons came in, but they were a major advance in the technology.
Re: Sodastream: can you still buy them AND the gas refills?

when nearly everyone's mum was at home when the kids got there,
Makes me want to give up work. I blame the playstation. there was nothing wrong with atari. I remember it all and I do believe we have had a better childhood than our children are having now.