Grooms Speech - Need ideas


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Getting married in 4 weeks approx and have no idea as to what should be included in the Grooms speech.

Anyone got any advice/websites that might be useful. Nothing smutty......going to be lots of elderly persons in the invites for the day.

grooms speech is generally short - all the pressure of speaking is on the best man - so don't be too worried about it.

I would say it would be quite personal - how much your new wife means to you...of course how great she looks.....maybe a few stories of the inlaws.

Also really need to get together a list of who needs to be thanked - I forgot to thank the people who provided flowers, cake and a few other bits we got for free as family friends - so my wife then had to get up and do it.....:eek:

Check google for plenty of webistes with info


Well, I think a word or two about your new missus would be in order. After that, don't worry about it.

Maybe a thank you to any parents/others who provided support/funding for the wedding and/or got either of you through any crises in recent years ("without whom we wouldn't be celebrating today, etc, etc . . ."). A mention of any close relatives who couldn't make it (deceased or living abroad).

Best man should take care of all the rest of the 'thanks'

I think traditionally you end with a toast to the Bridesmaids - not sure why - but it seems to be the thing to do.
Don't forget to mention her parents. The index cards with my speech got stuck together causing me to miss 1 card.

Those first 7 years or so were fairly frosty.....
Hey i'm getting married in July and need a bit of help with a speech. How lond do I have to make it. Is about 5mins enough to thank everyone and all that. Getting really nervous about it now. Is there any site that can hepl me with a simple speech.
Most important thing about making any speech is to prepare it and practice it or run through it a few times. If you see anyone who makes a speech that flows well and looks like he/she was speaking from the heart, you can be sure that it wasn't ad-libbed, it was prepared.

Get a few small index cards and write the main points on them, they fit in an inside pocket and you don't have to unfold sheets of paper. A good tip that I learned a long time ago is to punch a hole in the corner of each card and thread one of those green document tags (the short string with two metal T-ends on it) through the holes to avoid dropping a card.

If you prepare properly and more or less learn off the speech, the headings on the cards will prompt you through it without looking as if you are reading it. And of course, don't forget anyone -- less likely if it's written down, quite likely otherwise.
Don't forget to mention her parents. The index cards with my speech got stuck together causing me to miss 1 card.

Those first 7 years or so were fairly frosty.....
I like your moves, RainyDay... :D

Anyhting useful here, boris? (and congratulations!)
From experience....

Number 1 thing to know on your wedding day - you are just the accessory that's needed to make the day happen, nothing more. You are so totally unimportant to the overall scheme of things and you need to accept that.

Its HER day full stop!

The groom's speech is easy - it nothing about coming from the heart (though let them think it is) & its all about making life easy in future.

Make sure you mention

1. Your new Wife and how spendid she looks in her wedding gown - even if it is hideous as most are! Don't forget the hair (damn, it probaly cost €200!!!) Mention the day you first met and how you knew then she was the one etc etc.

2. Her parents - especially the New Mother In law - being particularly nice to her can have great paybacks in future years. - How you loved the way she welcomed you into the house, excellent host etc. etc.

3. The bridesmaids - they can be very infuential for allowing you play golf in spain the month after your wedding especially if the golf clashes with your first valentine's day as a married couple!!!!!!

4. Any of her friends / colleagues / relations who have helped with preparations.

Yes the speech is short, (5 min) but its damn important. Grovel grovel grovel - and you'll get away with many golfing/football/fishing/lads days out for ever & ever.
From experience....

Number 1 thing to know on your wedding day - you are just the accessory that's needed to make the day happen, nothing more. You are so totally unimportant to the overall scheme of things and you need to accept that.

Its HER day full stop!

I hate that crap, it is so unture. If that is the way your wedding turned out then it is more a reflection on your relationship than women in general..
ahem - the day IS all about the bride. Always has been, always will be.

...and my wedding was superb because I made sure my wife had the best day of her life!

btw - my post was tongue in cheek (humour)
eek I'm getting nervous just reading this post!! Getting married in few months but I'm the bride!!!

I'd defo just prepare as much as possible and also maybe confer with best man as to who he is thanking etc as you don't want to be repeating the same thing. also maybe ask ur future wife if she is going to speak.

most important points in my opinion is to thank your own family and your brides family for all the help & support etc. and of course complement and thank your new wife.

good luck and try not to get too stressed.
How did yer speeches go on the day, did nerves get to ye. Getting close for me and get the shakes every time i think of it!!
I got quite nervous before mine, but I had rehearsed alot so I was fine. If you think you'll be very nervous, keep it short and to the point.