Greenhills D12


Registered User
in the process of buying in greenhills , just looking for some general info i.e schools, shops, pubs, crime etc
Overall it's a pretty settled area. The area near the Traders did have a rough element there, bit of drugs, but seems to have quietened down a lot in recent years, good friend living there now without any problems. Schools only ok to be honest St. Peters for boys has ok rep, St. Paul's for girls is good, and a lot of people send kids to school nearby but not in immediate vicinity (Bishop Shanahan, St. Pius). Shops are pretty good, Ashleaf in Crumlin is very handy, newly refurbished and extended Dunnes, good butchers etc. Also Superquinn Walkinstown. I'm not too keen on some of the pubs, bit of rough element in some of them, but maybe I'm just more in favour of quieter places. Overall though I think it's a great area with good value for money for housing. Good bus routes for town, most of which operate very frequently.
If you are already buying are you not just annoying yourself by asking now.

Understand the Greenhills Road will be totally changed in the near future and this will mean a bit of trek for people living in Greenhills because won't have access directly on to the new road. Other than this the area is generally good.