
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I'm trying to source some ladybirds at the moment in and around Dublin. I see Mr Middleton's shop does them but they aren't available for another month or so and my greenfly problem is driving me nuts.

Does anybody know if any garden centres/shops that have them for sale at the moment?
Squish the greenfly with your fingers. Takes them about 2-3wks to come back to problematic numbers, by which time the wasps, hoverfly, and ladybirds will be in full pelt and will take care of them for you.

As an aside to other posters, are a few greenfly really worth risking your health, and that of people around you, not to mention the environment, by lashing dangerous chemicals around?

Try growing lots of marigolds around your roses - hoverfly love them, and will be more likely to breed in your garden, thus increasing your anti-greenfly defences!
Dimple, in the interim, I'd suggest the old soapy water in a spray can.
I'm using that one at the mo, and it does seem to be keeping the little darlings under control.
1-2 per week, and try and spray under the leaves... as a short term solution until the ladybirds aphid patrols are availalbe, its probably the least environmentally damaging (?).

now to tackle the lovely slugs....
I have been using some organic spray I got out of Woodies as they have been attacking my strawberry plants as well and I don't want to use any chemicals. Unfortunately, while it kills the greenfly, they reappear pretty quickly. I've been spraying leaves front and back - I suppose I'll just have to stick with it for a while. I'm thinking of planting some chives and parsley as that attracts ladybirds apparently (although I'm on top floor of an apartment block so I hope its not too high for them to find me!)
I spay a cleamatis in my garden with a cider vinegarand soapy water solution which will keep the aphids away if used early and often, which reminds me....