Revealed: The massive difference in GP visit prices depending on where you live
66% of GPs outside Dublin charge less than €50 and 52% of Dublin GPs charge less than €50. Going by what people tell me they pay I always thought the typical fee was significantly higher.
50% of people covered by GP visit card or medical card is huge.
A new survey reveals how one in six are paying between €26 and €50 to see their GP, while over a third are paying between €51 and €75, with prices highest in Dublin. Some 2pc are charged over €75, and Dublin is more expensive when it comes to GP fees, with almost half (48pc) of private patients in the capital paying more than €50, compared to 33pc in the rest of the country. The huge variations emerged in an Ipsos B&A poll for the Department of Health. It was carried out before the latest extension of GP visit cards to more children and adults, which broadened free coverage from around 44pc to around half the population.
66% of GPs outside Dublin charge less than €50 and 52% of Dublin GPs charge less than €50. Going by what people tell me they pay I always thought the typical fee was significantly higher.
50% of people covered by GP visit card or medical card is huge.