Gov €500 for Tenants


Registered User
Hi all
I have a tenant who sublets to his mate. My Tenant is the only one on the lease
His mate has asked me does he need to provide me with his details as he wishes to claim the €500 also. Is the €500 available for eack person renting a place. If so anyone any experience of what I need to do. Main Tenant is paying €400 at lease below market rate as rent pressure zone.
If anyone has experience with
This information much appreciated.
It's not €500 for tenants, it's a €500 tax credit.
This tax credit will be €500 a year and will apply to each person paying rent rather than each tenancy. The credit will be available for 2022 until 2025.
Hi Clubman
Sorry I meant tax credit.
So the tax credit is due to both. As he is a sublet tenant do I need to put him on the lease. Does this change the terms and conditions for me, can I then raise rent by say €150 instead of my normal €50. Whiivh s allowed under the RPZ terms. They would still be paying €300 PM less then the going rate.
I've no idea about three lease/RPZ issues but I don't really see how the tax credit for tenants has any bearing what the landlord does, assuming that they're already complaint with the relevant RTB, tax, lease, etc. rules.
Hi Clubman.
Sorry dont mean to confuse the conversation. Forget about my last comment. If the person, sublet Tennant can get the tax credit should I add him to the lease and Rtb. If they can get the tax credit and I can help more power to them.i dont know what the Tennant needs to get the tax credit.
All tenants who are sharing a property can claim the tax credit, as long as the tenancy is registered w RTB.

So far as I can find out, they don't need anything from you; nor do they each have to be named on the lease.

Tenants sharing with the owner however can't claim the tax credit.

Open to correction, if anyone knows better but thats the best I have been able to get since they announced this thing.
Do not add the sublet licensee to your contract with your tenant. You have one tenant not two. That person would then have more rights.
Also make sure you only get rent as one payment from your tenant.
If you are due to increase the rent the go through the correct process as on the RTB site with correct notice period only to your tenant.
The sublet person is not your tenant nor your tenants.
Let them deal with it. It is not your concern. They can apply but they may find they get nothing.