Goodbye & Good Riddance Dylan Hartley


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After last night's cowardly assault with his elbow to the back of Sean O'Brien's head in the Northampton vs Leinster Championship game, I look forward to Harley being banned for life from the game I love. Once a cowardly thug, always one, as yet another red card for this low-life proves.

Himself and his England colleague Courtney Lawes have disciplinary records that drip red and yellow and they 'sport' lengthy bans, cumulatively. If world rugby is serious about protecting players from thugs and thuggery rather than from technical infringements, surely they need to weed out the players who consistently assault opponents and operate a long way outside the laws of the game? That the England selectors continue to pick these hit-men speaks volumes for their money-grubbing, win at any cost to the opposition, motivations. Just like we saw from the All Blacks in game 2.

Goodbye Hartley enjoy yourself cage-fighting or in some other suitable career because a rugby player you ain't. Collect Lawes on your way and don't let the gate hit you on your substantial This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language on the way out. Soyonara savages.
It's a pity it overshadowed a superb Leinster performance, especially considering how young and inexperienced the team on the field was.
As for Ulster and Munster; both great games.
After last night's cowardly assault with his elbow to the back of Sean O'Brien's head in the Northampton vs Leinster Championship game, I look forward to Harley being banned for life from the game I love.
Banned for life in rugby!!!....not a chance.
As Paul Kimmage said tonight on The Last Word, there hasn't been a word out of Leinster's management on the incident. Thats how rugby rolls
Hartley has led England well to 13 consecutive victories.Eddie Jones likes the cut of his jib.He might miss the opening of the Six Nations but rugby is a very forgiving sport as anyone who has played it will know.
Every team engages in the dark arts now and then and it would be sanctimonious tosh to pretend otherwise.Alan Quinlan anyone ?
Although I do agree that Hartley is not the sharpest tool in the box.Few hookers are.:)
Give the exponential growth in the physicality of the game leading to increasing levels of violent behaviour , concussion & unfortunately deaths something is surely going to have to be done.
Perhaps the upcoming Court case surrounding the death of Benjamin Robinson in Northen Ireland will be a game changer ?
Give the exponential growth in the physicality of the game leading to increasing levels of violent behaviour , concussion & unfortunately deaths something is surely going to have to be done.
Perhaps the upcoming Court case surrounding the death of Benjamin Robinson in Northern Ireland will be a game changer ?
It is certainly more physical and some teams do plan on targeting opposition players with the objective of injuring them. That, to me, is the dirtiest form of play. In that context I would look at New Zealand rather than England.
Hartley got a 6 week ban. With the RFU's attitude to violence and violent players I guess we'll have to wait until Hartley maims or kills someone on the field before we're rid of him. All the signs are there and I think it's blind luck it hasn't happened before now with the level of violence in the game that goes unpoliced and unpunished.
Hartley got a 6 week ban. With the RFU's attitude to violence and violent players I guess we'll have to wait until Hartley maims or kills someone on the field before we're rid of him. All the signs are there and I think it's blind luck it hasn't happened before now with the level of violence in the game that goes unpoliced and unpunished.

Actually it was considered only a mid-level offence and the more I look at the repeat the more I think Hartley mistimed his swinging arm which was intended for the falling O'Brien's back.
But you do seem to have it in for England players alone so I guess you won't be persuaded that it was anything less than an attempt at a Jihadist beheading.
Anyway he got a week off for saying soz and pleading guilty so he'll now get at least one club game to get up to match fitness before the start of the Six Nations.
Good news if you're an England supporter like me as I'd like to see their good run continue - the Ireland game promises to be a cracker.
If Hartley keeps his nose clean the Lions tour is definitely on for him.
Actually it was considered only a mid-level offence and the more I look at the repeat the more I think Hartley mistimed his swinging arm which was intended for the falling O'Brien's back.
But you do seem to have it in for England players alone so I guess you won't be persuaded that it was anything less than an attempt at a Jihadist beheading.
Anyway he got a week off for saying soz and pleading guilty so he'll now get at least one club game to get up to match fitness before the start of the Six Nations.
Good news if you're an England supporter like me as I'd like to see their good run continue - the Ireland game promises to be a cracker.
If Hartley keeps his nose clean the Lions tour is definitely on for him.
I'm delighted he'll be back for the Six Nations; he's a rallying point for the opposition and far from England's best Hooker, Jamie George is better, and if anyone thinks he's the reason England are doing so well they need their head examined.
Let me see . . . Dylan Hartley. . . hmmmmmm! . . . broken home? . . . bad education? . . . breadline poor? . . . loaner? . . . tough upbringing? . . . unemployed? . . . unfortunate environment?, etc, etc . . . I think not.

If he was any of the forementioned and lived in Ireland he would be facing a judge; not an old fart, ponsey rugby boys club.

Stuart Lancaster got rid of Dylan Hartley and then England got rid of Stuart Lancaster - something wrong somewhere in the ERU set-up? I hope none of my grandchildren will be playing rugby as in its present state.
Let me see . . . Dylan Hartley. . . hmmmmmm! . . . broken home? . . . bad education? . . . breadline poor? . . . loaner? . . . tough upbringing? . . . unemployed? . . . unfortunate environment?, etc, etc . . . I think not.

If he was any of the forementioned and lived in Ireland he would be facing a judge; not an old fart, ponsey rugby boys club.

Stuart Lancaster got rid of Dylan Hartley and then England got rid of Stuart Lancaster - something wrong somewhere in the ERU set-up? I hope none of my grandchildren will be playing rugby as in its present state.
Plenty of rugby players come from tough backgrounds, though it may not suit the inverted snobbery that some people have towards the game to admit it. Jamie Cudmore being an extreme example (Cudmore says he "had a bit of trouble growing up". As a teenager he was an enforcer for a drug dealer in his home town and spent a year in a youth detention center following a conviction for assault. He has stated that rugby turned his life around.) but he is by no means exceptional.
I'm delighted he'll be back for the Six Nations; he's a rallying point for the opposition and far from England's best Hooker, Jamie George is better, and if anyone thinks he's the reason England are doing so well they need their head examined.

Personally I'd go with Eddie Jones' judgement.
Coaches,eh - what do they know ?
Eddie Jones is the reason they are doing well. He is building on the work done by Stewart Lancaster.

Jones hung up his players boots a long time ago.It's the people he picks who are winning games and in his opinion Hartley has brought something to the team since he was made captain.
Unlike Lancaster he likes a bit of mongrel in his players.
Plenty of rugby players come from tough backgrounds, though it may not suit the inverted snobbery that some people have towards the game to admit it. Jamie Cudmore being an extreme example (Cudmore says he "had a bit of trouble growing up". As a teenager he was an enforcer for a drug dealer in his home town and spent a year in a youth detention center following a conviction for assault. He has stated that rugby turned his life around.) but he is by no means exceptional.

I wonder how many of the people he applied his enforcing to can play any game since!!!!
“Players need to be protected, especially in these big games when the result seems to be more important than people’s health.”

Thanks Jamie (former drug dealer's enforcer and rugby professional). What a hypocritical Flanker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
“Players need to be protected, especially in these big games when the result seems to be more important than people’s health.”

Thanks Jamie (former drug dealer's enforcer and rugby professional). What a hypocritical Flanker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

My local club has a nutjob who is an average player but picked purely because occasionally he has to go in and sort out a recalcitrant opponent who is dishing out the rough stuff to someone much smaller than him.
The cleverer refs,who have played the game themselves, know exactly what is going on.
The absolute bottom line is that considering the huge amount of professional rugby played all over the world by bigger,stronger,fitter and faster young men than there has ever been there is yet to be a fatality or a significant serious injury such as permanent disability.
It's not to say an absolute vigilance should not be observed because it should but rough and tumble,fisticuffs and argy-bargy have been part and parcel of the game since it began.
Actually it was considered only a mid-level offence and the more I look at the repeat the more I think Hartley mistimed his swinging arm which was intended for the falling O'Brien's back.
Actually old chap in either case it is foul play, punishable under the laws of the game. A bit like saying "Oh sorry, I meant to kick him in the ribs but kicked him in the head because my aim or timing was bad."
But you do seem to have it in for England players alone so I guess you won't be persuaded that it was anything less than an attempt at a Jihadist beheading.
I've named two international players with appalling disciplinary records recognised hit men, who happen to be English, but fantasize away that I'm motivated by anti-English sentiment. Your choice of a Jihadist beheading for comparison's sake is in extremely poor taste. You'd wonder what former or current imperialist / colonists' actions would prompt Jihadists to want to behead people.
Anyway he got a week off for saying soz and pleading guilty
I don't understand.
- the Ireland game promises to be a cracker.
With the likes of Hartley & other ill-disciplined English Hit-men on the field guess what'll be cracking? Not disciplinary whips for sure, but Irish skulls.
If Hartley keeps his nose clean the Lions tour is definitely on for him.
Hartley's nose is already very snotty and his violent history should have him ruled him out, but we'll see. Traditionally the Lions tour was seen as a reward for the best players in the four nations. I wonder what the current criteria are.
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“Players need to be protected, especially in these big games when the result seems to be more important than people’s health.”

Thanks Jamie (former drug dealer's enforcer and rugby professional). What a hypocritical Flanker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Yes, god forbid that a man can reform his behavior and change, no he should be judged on what he did as a teenager for the rest of his life. :rolleyes: