Giving up smoking.

well done Meridian! Why not check in from time to time with aam to let posters know how you're doing (this will also give you a good incentive to stay off them :)).
Congratulations, Meridian - It might help you get through those difficult moments if you work out exactly [broken link removed] each year.
Meridian, Be proud , well done. keep up the good work.
As RainyDay rightly points out , the money youre no longer burning is piling up!

Now you have to think how to reward yourself after all that hard effort.

Go on and treat yourself, or better still keep the mind focussed for now on
planning something worthwhile, something that will really mark the change that has taken place in your lifestyle.

As Dunners says check in from time to time, and keep us posted.

Also remember, if at first you dont suceed try and try again.....