Getting Virgin BB connected while renovating


I am currently renovating and want to get VM BB. The connection never had BB (just TV) before and is quite old so probably needs a visit out by the techie to get iot sorted. Can I get them out while renovating and not actually start the contract till it's ready for occupation ? Any problems I can envisage ? It would be handy to get it done while bulder in situ as I may not be able to be there during the day later down the line.
It is a good idea to get a technician out there to have a look where the line will come in, and you can then talk to the builder to make sure you have the cable run internally to the right place where you want to have the modem.
They'll probably only connect things up when you are ready to move in (and the builder's done), and that's when the contract would start I'd say.

If you give them a call or drop them an email they should be able to send a technician out within a few days, at least that happened when I did renovations recently.
The current cable is in the correct location. It's just that it's never had BB before just TV so thinking it might need a new internal junction box. My main problem will be having someone there when the technician arrives. Might try and time it to within 3 or 4 days of completion.