getting credit


Registered User
What is the easiest way of obtaining credit. i have lived in ireland for 2 years now and i went to buy something on 12 months nterest free credit and i was declined. i have had a visa card for 18 months which i got to build up a credit rating, but when i sent of for my ICB report it said no data found. So i need credit to buid up a good rating but i cant get it as i have no rating. what is the best way around this?
use your credit card??

How much can you put on the card and how much do you need?
i can put 1000 and need 2500. the question im asking is why didnt my credit card show up on my ICB report?
i can put 1000 and need 2500. the question im asking is why didnt my credit card show up on my ICB report?
I also only found out 2 weeksa ago!! that my loan and credit card is not on 1cb even though i have had them both for several months.....i asked icb about this...and they said to ring my bank and get them to register the cards/loans with icb
they said some banks only use icb is you fail to make your repayments!!!!
hope this helps
I have substantial equity in my own home and a small mortgage (the repayments are 1/7th my monthly salary!), own an apartment in germany outright, have a 10k credit card with nothing on it, have no judgements against me or anything like that and no other loans/debts and guess what, declined interest free credit for a miserable 5 grand at B&Q. The B&Q lady said "happens all the time and people don't know why and just sit there stunned". B&Q don't handle the credit directly, it's done by a finance house. I'm guessing I'm in a similar boat-not registered at all with ICB or whoever.
I use to work in Credit control for a bank, 3 years ago and when i worked there, VISA cards were never put on to the ICB. Due to so many thousands of people always going into bad debt with them at very young ages, and also they are usuaully for such little amounts, (well little in comparison to term loans and mortgages!) As far as i know CREDIT CARDS will NOT show up on the ICB.