Getting a Phone Line


Registered User
Hello All,

Im moving into a new home soon. It is a new build house so will have a phone line. All I want is a phone number, phone line and always on broadband.

I want to join with BT but BT want my phone number which I do not have. I have never had a phone number. In order to do this, I "think" I must have to join eircom to be given a phone number and then switch to BT.

BUT, does this mean I would have to pay line rental to eircom for the first 12 months whilst paying line rental to BT.

Im so confused. All I want is a phone line with always on broadband.
As far as I know you have to contact Eircom who can confirm that a line is at your new address and if not able to give you a phone number, can give you another longer number which represents the line - someone else will know what this is called - which is enough for BT to take the business on.

There is no question of you paying line rental to 2 companies at the same time.

Depending on where u are you could get the likes of NTL broadband and a phone service such as Blueface which operates over the broadband connection and therefore pay no line rental at all.

Did you get sorted with a phone line and broadband?

Im in a similar situation... I want a phone line and broadband and dont know if I need to first get connected with Eircom paying them a monthly line rental fee, and then go find a provider to provide (eg BT / Imagine / UTV etc)?

Thank you in advance,