Gel Burners or fires - were at RDS show


Betsy Og

show was great, too laden down with stuff to buy a gel burner but more misfortunate again I lost the flyer I took from the guy selling them.

Basically there are like a big cereal bowl in which gel burns, gives off a real flame but with no fumes, therefore can be used in any room. Are a class decorative feature - dont think they are a viable heating source as such.

Would luv it (as Keegan might say) if someone knew where I could get these.


p.s. Betsy was the name of a car I had, everyone assumes I'm a laydee.
Basically there are like a big cereal bowl in which gel burns, gives off a real flame but with no fumes, therefore can be used in any room.

Are you sure that they wouldn't gunk up the room (e.g. ceiling, walls etc.) if used extensively? Like the way that extensive use of open fires or burning candles can leave a layer of crap on the paintwork/wallpaper after a while?
any room?

Every fire needs adequate ventilation.For the fumes to escape(CO2) and for the oxygen(O2) to feed the combustion.
Any open fire is always a waste of energy:the ventilation required must be over dimensioned since an open fire is not a controlled combustion.A controlled combustion would involve knowledge about the oxygen demand and this knowledge would mean that the ventilation demand could be calculated and steered.Since both is not available with the gel fire the ventilation has to be over dimensioned for safety reasons.
So it is not suitable for "any room".Only for a room that has plenty of holes like open windows,doors ,mechanical ventilation and-of course-a chimney or some form of an exhaust .Than it would be suitable as a decoration.A decoration only,not an economical/ecological heat source for room heating.
Keep in mind that people have died because they used a flame in a tent(!) to keep them self warm-the lack of oxygen causing C02 poisoning.But it is a painless death.You just fall asleep and never wake up again.
Re: any room?

stall the digger there, didnt I say its a decorative effect. A glorified candle if you will.

Apparently a chimney is genuinely not needed, if you look on , who look like reputable supppliers of all types of fires, you'll see on the list of fires, references to Kal-Fire where it states "Gel Fires require no chimney".

It is quite likely that they would gunk the room like candles can, but thats why you wouldnt be firing them up for the night - again, really only glorified candle use.
I bought one at the RDS

I bought one Sunday, lit it and i'm here to tell the tale.
They are really nice. I should have bought more of them looking back.
There is no smoke whatsoever from it. Burns very cleanly.