Gardai: kicked handcuffed male into the back


Registered User
I just saw 3 gardai escort a male handcuffed person from a garda car into the garda station. As the handcuffed male began to walk up the 3 steps the male garda kicked him into the back and sent him flying up the steps!!! surely this isnt allowed? Do I complain, coz i REALLY REALLY want to?
If you think it's worthy of a complaint well then do so.

If it was me I'd leave it alone.
must have been some kick to kick up the stairs and into his back, at least it shows the force are getting fitter.
probaly had good reason to do it- contact the seargent from the station if you feel strongly about it.
Thanks for the link.

I understand people wanting to leave well alone. But I saw it myself and I was a little enraged from my office window watching it. The guy got a SAVAGE kick, he went flying up the steps. Not just a bit of a kick, it was done with force. I hate that carry on. i obviously didnt see what the guy did or said to the garda on the way to the station or why he was arrested but in all fairness I dont think the gardai are allowed to physically harm a person in custody.. Thats just not right.

(on a different note, Clubman is there something wrong with the site today? its acting a bit strange... and very slow to load. everything else opening fine)
This is what they do in public, consider what happens in the back of the police van, or in the cell.
Ya and consider what the scumbag in the back of the police van or cell is capable of doing to them.
Ya and consider what the scumbag in the back of the police van or cell is capable of doing to them.
How on earth do you know that he was a scumbag?

Judging by some of the posts on AAM today on alleged crime and punishment issues I hope that certain AAM posters are never called for jury duty!
Ya and consider what the scumbag in the back of the police van or cell is capable of doing to them.

not all prisoners are scumbags. there are such things as false arrests. That particular guy could have been asked to the station for his help with their enquiries. He may well have said he couldnt at that particular time and the "control freak" garda might have enforced it. you just dont know.... but i hear what your saying...
That particular guy could have been asked to the station for his help with their enquiries. He may well have said he couldnt at that particular time and the "control freak" garda might have enforced it.

It's unlikely he'd have been handcuffed in this situation though?
If I were you Shootingstar I would have a chat with the station sargent. If I wasn't happy with his/her response I would take it further. As a law abidding citizen (mostly) I take great offence to know that the gardai act in this way.
If someone urinated or defecated in the back of my van or car. If someone spat in my face. If I saw a piece of dirt mugging an old person etc. etc.

Well (a) none of these situations applied here from the details posted above and (b) I'm not sure that you would be acting legally in assaulting somebody even in those situations.