Garda Sergeants turn their back on Shatter


Registered User
The Garda Commissioner (Mr Callanan) is upset that some members of the Garda Sergeants walked out of the annual conference while listening to Minister Shatter lecturing them on how much more pay cuts they should take.

Is this guy (Callanan) for real? Afterall, it was the Sergeants conference. And Minister-Austerity-for-Brains used it to tell the members off. Wouldn't you love to be in the audience listening to a Minister lecturing you on the need for austerity on more austerity?
So our brave minister Shatter whinged to Callanan and now the four gardaI will face disciplinary procedure. What a miscalculation; watch this grow into a huge protest.

Another sign that this government is short of the mark. Remember this was a conference for the Garda Sergeants and Inspectors not Shatter's conference.
Callanan would want to wind his neck in and toughen up a bit. When you're in the top job and getting paid the big bucks, you need to be able to take the rough with the smooth. Proposing disciplinary action on this is a receipe for disaster - arrogant, short sighted, inflammatory and pig headed. I'm sure both Callanan and Shatter have been subjected to more "disrespectful" behaviour than that over the years. And as for Shatter trying to bring his wife into it, saying he was glad she wasn't with him and subjected to it - bizzare! Both of them seem completely out of touch.
Like it or not, Guards are not normal 'employees', they're sworn members of a force dedicated to the safety of the citizen and the security of the State. There's a need to maintain a discipline that isn't required in other jobs.

I'm not saying they don't have a gripe, nor am I saying that the individuals they have the gripe with don't deserve it but there's an overriding requirement that those dedicated to the security of the State can't be seen to subvert the authority of the State.

I was speaking with one long-retired Guard during the week who was outraged at what he sees as a loss of discipline. It's maybe an old fashioned view but one I'd largely concur with in this instance
Ask any seven year old about respect and you will be informed that respect must be earned. Neither Callanan nor Shatter did much recently to earn respect. And like all other bullies they try to enforce their discipline on anybody who does not bow down to them.

I have nothing but respect to the four Gardaí involved. Shame on you Minister Shatter and Mr Callanan.
The Garda Commissioner (Mr Callanan) is upset that some members of the Garda Sergeants walked out of the annual conference while listening to Minister Shatter lecturing them on how much more pay cuts they should take.

Is this guy (Callanan) for real? Afterall, it was the Sergeants conference. And Minister-Austerity-for-Brains used it to tell the members off. Wouldn't you love to be in the audience listening to a Minister lecturing you on the need for austerity on more austerity?

Minister Shatter was invited to the conference; he just didn't' show up. It's the height of disrespect to walk out on a Minister, who is, after all, an elected represented of the Irish people and a member of the Government, when your own organization has invited him to address the conference. Disrespectful behaviour such as walking out on a Minister in these circumstances probably transgresses the Garda Síochána Declaration of Professional Values and Standards; if so the Commissioner should initiate disciplinary proceedings against the gardaí concerned.
Minister Shatter was invited to the conference; he just didn't' show up. It's the height of disrespect to walk out on a Minister, who is, after all, an elected represented of the Irish people and a member of the Government, when your own organization has invited him to address the conference. Disrespectful behaviour such as walking out on a Minister in these circumstances probably transgresses the Garda Síochána Declaration of Professional Values and Standards; if so the Commission should initiate disciplinary proceedings against the gardaí concerned.

The height of disrespect? Really? More than booing, refusing to carry out orders, refusing to say shake hands, going on sick leave etc etc? I have to laugh at a politician talking about showing respect to them considering some of their behaviour and statements. What do you have to do to get disciplined in the Dail? Some of them can't be bothered to wear a suit and think debating involves shouting abuse at each other.

If walking out of their own conference made them feel like they made their point, then what harm did they do? They were still going to turn up for work the next day and put their lives on the line. Our esteemed minister needs to remember that.
Fine Gael by any chance PMU????

Respect goes both ways.

This is a ridiculous over reaction by the minister and Commissioner.

Pick your battles.
Callanan would want to wind his neck in and toughen up a bit. When you're in the top job and getting paid the big bucks, you need to be able to take the rough with the smooth. Proposing disciplinary action on this is a receipe for disaster - arrogant, short sighted, inflammatory and pig headed. I'm sure both Callanan and Shatter have been subjected to more "disrespectful" behaviour than that over the years. And as for Shatter trying to bring his wife into it, saying he was glad she wasn't with him and subjected to it - bizzare! Both of them seem completely out of touch.

Agree. What on earth was Shatter on about? There is no reason for his wife to be there. Callinan also appears to be off the mark here, in my opinion.
I see that this episode has been settled. The four Gardaí involved have expressed confidence in their leadership and their branch of AGSI didn't.

I had a look at other forums on this matter (just out of a little interest) and I like to think that this Forum had some positive influence on the outcome.