Galway to Louth - best route?



Hi all,

I need to travel from Loughrea to Carlingford this weekend. I can either go into Dublin and then up the M1 from there, or else go in to Tyrellspass and head towards Mullingar etc.
Has anyone travelled either of these routes? Which is my best option? both time wise and road quality wise?

The worst part of the journey is from Galway to Athlone.

If you take the M1 route (esp at the weekend), it'll be relatively straightforward, you won't get lost & it'll cost you about €3 in tolls. You can chat to your friends etc.

If you take the 'back roads', you save €3, you'll get stuck behind tractors & you'll need to concentrate on the twisty roads.

If I was travelling with friends, I'd go via the M1 and take it easy.

galway to carlingford

From Dundalk and make this journey 3/4 times yearly
The bad news is that there is no good road from east to west anywhere except out of Dublin. This government and all proceeding governments have never tackled this problem. I usually ( you can reverse this) travel via Ardee, Kells ( at the wrong time its bad) Mullingar ( after you turn right at lights take inside lane and take first left then first right then left and you cut out the centre of Mullingar. Usually stop at broomfield house for a coffee and toilet stop, take the turn for Tyrlespass and its straingt forward from there. If you get caught behind slow moving traffic in the last 10 miles before Mullingar its dreadful. From Dundalk to Carlingford is straight forward. on either route when you come into town at Xerox take the centre lane and go straight through ( North/Belfast) straight through first two roundabouts and 3 sets of lights and at the Ballymac roundabout its the 3 turn off. To judge how bad east/west routes are when I go to Sligo I go via Norn Iron from just outside Clones. For a 'rich' country we dont seem to have made much progress on eas/west links