Form 11 Section O - Self Assessment under Chapter 4


Registered User
I'm using ROS online and values are pre-populated on this new section from 2013.

I do have one discrepancy on "Amount of PRSI chargeable for this period - self". Their automated PRSI calculation only includes the PRSI paid through RTS01 (Share Options exercised, released or assigned in 2013) which I declared on my form, not my PAYE PRSI contribution which is on my P60.

Why is that? Is it supposed to include only PRSI amount which I paid manually myself (through RTS01 in my case)?

For the USC section of the self assessment, they do add both the P60 USC and the RTS01 USC from my shares...
The assessment does not charge PRSI on your normal PAYE income, and it does not give you a credit for the PRSI that you paid on that income. It solely looks at your other sources of income and charges 'Class S' PRSI on that.

Basically it ignores the possible Class A/etc prsi you already paid and therefore doesn't need to give you a 'credit' for this in the Self-Assessment panel.

The USC is done differently. You are given credit for the USC you have paid already and then charged additional USC on other incomes that you haven't already paid USC on.