Foreign Deposits risk to Greece default


Registered User
In the next few weeks I will be signing over the SALE of a foreign property in Budapest, hence I will be receiving a relatively healthy lump sum for the sale agreed.My worry is the Huf is so weak at moment so I am thinking about leaving this money in my Erste bank account in Budapest until things improve.Is this a bad idea considering possible Greek controlled default??.. or should I bring it home to Ireland and take the exchange hit..?? any ideas would be greatly appreciated.Thx
God knows that the future direction of EUR/HUF will be.

If it is a large sum, ensure you get a good rate if you move the money back into EUR, you might be best using a currency broker.
Thanks CiaranT for advice on EUR/Huf future but I am more worried about ERSTE writing down some of it's debts and me forfeiting some of my depsoited monies..!! anybody got some advice on this scenario...??? ;-(