For Sale sign - neccessary?


Registered User
Just wondering what are your opinions on for sale signs. I live in a cul-de-sac and I just don't think it will be worth forking out the money for a for sale sign when there will be no passing traffic. Dosen't everybody just use the internet these days when researching homes to buy?
If you are asking if a for sale sign is somehow mandatory when selling your home then the answer is no.
was mainly wondering would it make any difference to selling these days whether a sign was up or not.
EA told me that 70% of their sales came from people looking at the internet, 20% from signs up and 10% from other forms i.e. papers etc.

I think it would be useful as I and my OH often looked around neighbourhoods we were interested in to see if there was anything interesting in the area.
I think the for sale sign can be useful for a couple of reasons:
  1. If somebody does see the ad on the web and wants to have a look around the area before making an appointment to view, it makes the house easier to find.
  2. You may reach a wider audience and with the market as it is that can only be a positive thing. You never know, somebody visiting friends in the area might want to take a look etc.
However, I don't know the cost involved so I suppose you'll have to weigh it up.
Will it cost any more? Surely estate agents aren't charging extra for signs are they?
Go for an agent with a No Sale No Fee policy and agree a percentage up front beforehand . Are there any agents who do this? In the UK they don't get away with charging if they don't sell - and signs , internet newspaper ads are all included as standard.
Try selling it yourself on the internet.
I got signs made for 50 euro from a local signmaker - one for outside the house, and a fingerpost one for the top of the estate.
well, reason is really- in this climate may take couple of months to sell. Does it look bad if for sale sign up for ages and will it put people off??
I'm thinking if I don't sell in few months from internet etc. then I will try the sign.
Went sale agreed on our house recently,decided to go without sign
at the start of process but viewers got confused with another sign
further up the street.Noticed people driving by ours to look at other
Needless to say sign went up a few days later.
My point is that people coming to look expect to see a for sale sign.