Fixed v Variable


Registered User
Gone sale agreed on a property and am beginning to crunch some numbers as I look at our various options.

I know none of us have a crystal ball but I'm curious to see where people's sentiments are on Fixed v Variable at present?
It not a question for a crystal ball. Gambling with your mortgage is foolish, (I would say stupid but the moderators might object).

As a general rule if you like the certainty of knowing your repayments are fixed, then fix. Otherwise variable is better be causing you are not paying for the additional benefit of knowing you have a fixed repayment amount.

At present B of I seem to be deliberately over pricing their variable rate in comparison with their fixed rate, so that a fixed rate may be worth considering there, but not please because you think that you are cleverer than the banks and can spot a misplacing opportunity.
Thanks for the replies. I'm not really looking to gamble with my mortgage or spot a misplacing opportunity. More so looking for sound advice or opinions so that I can make an informed decision.

That Key Post from Brendan is very useful, thanks.
I think it depends on your circumstances. We will have a lot of outgoings with young children crèche fees over the next few years so for us fixing suits us. We need to be able to budget and know how much the mortgage is every month. Also boi offering us 3.2% fixed which due to ltv is this best we have been offered. I cannot see the variable rate coming in lower than that iver the next 12-24 months (I could be totally wrong) so we will fix for now.