Finding work in Ireland - coming from UK


Registered User
I returned to Ireland in October 2005, having spent 20 years in the UK as a tax advisor. As you will see from my link I'm trying to set up my own business, but this will take time to produce enough income to live on (and to get a mortgage), so in the meantime I need full time employment.

However, since my return I have only been offered contract work - everyone says (employers and agencies) that I don't have enough Irish tax experience.

My question is, what is enough experience? I now have 16 months experience! My current contract is coming to an end shortly. What is the best way to get a full time permanent position in this area?

Any employment agency people out there that can make suggestions?

I would point out that I am specialised in international personal tax (including UK and US tax), but have covered most of the other taxes also - VAT, RCT, CAT, CGT, PAYE and a bit of Corporate tax etc.