Home Finding it difficult to get home insurance for 100 yr. old house



I rang a broker today. I gave particulars of the house we wish to buy. It's over 100 years old (small 3-bed terraced, 86 sq/m) and she seemed to think that since the roof has probably not been redone within 20 years, it could be a problem. The roof issue has been resolved as Allianz would quote for the house, but the broker returned to say we could not insure the house if the wiring had not been done in 20 years. I have not yet been able to confirm if the wiring has been done within 20 years.

The house is not listed, and I explained to her that we would redo everything necessary before moving in including wiring, and that it has been re-plumbed within the last 20 years.

Also, unusually, the roof on the return is a flat roof but is only 2.5 x 4.5 metres - well under 50% of total roof surface. I forgot to mention this.

I haven't yet heard back from her. Should I be worried?