Finding if property was registered with RTB

Purple Socks

New Member
Hi all,

I am interesting in purchasing a property as an investment to let.

How can I find if that property was previously registered with the RTP? I am aware of the ability to check the current register but is there any way to know if the property was once on the register.

You can do a Google search for "123 XYZ street" and you might get a historical hit from search up the eircode.

You can also ask the estate agent

When it comes to purchase and signing contracts you can insist that the vendor signs a declaration swearing that it hasn't been a rental in the preceding two years.
Regardless of present or historical RTB data, in keeping with their mandate of maintaining a high degree of incompetence, you may have to search under many different variations of the spelling of the address.

I have found that when not able to find a specific address of a known rental, if I enter a number of spelling variations I will eventually find it.