Financial Advice Please

Most banks issue combined ATM cash/Laser debit cards.

Yes PTSB have this option but I chose not to take it as I had the credit card and thought that having both would only further complicate things. I think that as soon as my card is clear I will cancel it and go for a debit card and just use those top-up cards for purchasing flights online.

Good luck with the job BTW. Will your rent in the new place not go down seeing as you will be sharing with your girlfriend?

Thank you - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will get the job but I'm not banking on it either. Unfortunately as my rent is cheap for Dublin €430 a month and hers is also cheap €387 - when we do move in together we will be looking for a 1 bedroom apartment and they are more expensive than the total we are paying but it is something we both want and at the moment we are practically living out of either my flat or hers so we may as well just get our own place and have some privacy.