Feminism...is it really needed here in the West?



I am a long term critic of feminism.

I have enjoyed having feminists block/censor/ignore and generally go completely silent when they cannot answer simple questions such as, "What rights/opportunities do men have that women lack?" or "Why do people still employ men when according to feminists women get paid far less than men?" or one of my favourites "Can you show me anything positive which feminists say about boys, men or masculinity without wanting to change them to a feminist version of what they should be especially since it is really easy to find horrible things feminists say about boys, men and masculinity?"

Does anyone here think there is still a need for the ideology (which claims to) to advance women's equality?
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I see that the Red Pill Movie has made it to the list for an Oscar.

It would be great to see more publicity for this fantastic movie (which was made by a feminist BTW).

In Australia some cinemas have banned the movie due to claims it is anti-women when women are not really discussed at all.

In making it the film maker Cassie Jaye spoke to both prominent feminists and also people involved in the men's equality movement and at the end came to the conclusion that equality was a great thing but feminism just doesn't cut it.

She had feminist backers and when they discovered she was doing a fair look at the men's movement they pulled her funding.
I think of feminism in much the same light as trade unionism. It had its time, it had its role, now that it has all but run out of substantive issues its just become a pain. I'm afraid feminism now seems to be mostly about abortion.

In fairness there is a role for fighting against zero hour contracts, for equal pay for equal work, for equal rights for muslim women (them that want it). But I don't think making men feel like they are the problem and the enemy is really helping. The film is probably worth a watch. In Ireland I'd hazard a guess that family law is the one area where men are discriminated against most.
Who will pay the wages of prominent feminists if no one believes the anti-male rhetoric coming out of their mouths?

Where will all of those gender studies professors/teachers get other jobs instead if brainwashing and radicalizing young adults to believe myths and nonsense and encouraged to hate.

Feminism has become a cash cow instead of anything at all resembling an equality movement (if it ever was one).

I'm afraid feminism now seems to be mostly about abortion.

Anyone who doubts that just needs to question why exactly the "Women's March" didn't allow any pro-life groups to sponsor it.

In fairness there is a role for fighting against zero hour contracts, for equal pay for equal work, for equal rights for muslim women (them that want it).

All these things I support but with DV access to all people regardless of gender, abolishing all gender quotas and also a policy of best person gets the job rather than, "we need one of each person in the collective".

But I don't think making men feel like they are the problem and the enemy is really helping. The film is probably worth a watch. In Ireland I'd hazard a guess that family law is the one area where men are discriminated against most.

One of my friends was looking at the men in the USA who get mauled through the courts and thinking poor lads over there.

Then he looked at what happens here and was horrified, he felt we are worse off than they are.

Regarding the connection between male suicide and family law....you'd think there would be a research project done on how family law courts impacts males and the connection to suicide.....Nope.....nothing

I searched the likes of for instance Pieta House and they have zero on the subject.
Try this and really knock yourself out.


It ticks all the boxes, women, public servants, students, liberals and the Irish Times

Crazy stuff indeed.

You can imagine the barbarian hordes massed at the borders and a message is sent to them, ""Sorry can't fight at the minute, please come back after she comes back from maternity leave"

The world does not stop because a woman had a baby, except in the heads of feminists.

For them it is not "equality is all to do with rights and opportunities..... but not the responsibilities that go with the opportunities.

Their goal is equity....."Same outcome regardless of effort/risk"....see gender quotas or university professors getting paid the same whether they happen to be engineering/computing/physics professors or gender studies, feminist professors.
Try this and really knock yourself out.


It ticks all the boxes, women, public servants, students, liberals and the Irish Times
What's the problem with this case?
While it is absolutely nuts that promotions can be given based only on years of service and the whole structure is nuts it does look like a clear case of discrimination based on the rules in place.
The amount seems to be very high though as she is well qualified and can (and has) gained good employment elsewhere.
Actually the problem as I see it is that our public service is out of control. It is run for the benefit of the public servants.

I knew SLF would like it though, it pushes all his buttons.
I understand the case for gender equality for us the great unwashed. But I see no case at all for BBC female presenters arguing that their £500k salaries not being on a par with the men is discrimination. When you are earning that much your "entitlement" has nothing to do with societal norms but is purely a function of the market. If Miss BBC thinks she is entitled to a 100% rise on her £500k then let her prove it by getting that offer from SKY.

Whilst I am here how ridiculous is it that the prizes in Grand Slam tennis have gender equality. I presume NIKE sponsorship doesn't recognise gender equality. Golf certainly doesn't have the same prizes for women only majors.
Whilst I am here how ridiculous is it that the prizes in Grand Slam tennis have gender equality. I presume NIKE sponsorship doesn't recognise gender equality. Golf certainly doesn't have the same prizes for women only majors.
I think there is disgraceful discrimination in sport. There should be no different competitions for men and women. They should all just compete together and whomever is best gets the medals/ prize money.
How does that quality look?

If we do need equal pay between men and women how about male models? They get paid far less than female models. Where are the protests there?

Then there's the whole gender quote issue. It's a real problem; how do we get more men into primary school teaching, law, nursing and medicine?
Women are excluded from other areas as well, it's not just the men; how do we get more women into fishing, construction, sewage treatment and maintenance, road sweeping, and other male dominated areas of employment? Are quota's the answer?
I see Kevin Myers has been fired from the ST for making similar comments. He singled out two females as being Jews and therefore very unlikely to work for less than market rate. I suppose a bit OTT.
I see Kevin Myers has been fired from the ST for making similar comments. He singled out two females as being Jews and therefore very unlikely to work for less than market rate. I suppose a bit OTT.
Was he joking/ being ironic?
Critical point; did he use Smilies??
Was he joking/ being ironic?
Critical point; did he use Smilies??
Well he did not use common sense.Sorry Ladies and gentlemen Equal pay has to be earned just look at how Keven Myers finished up when not up to the job,He made his money being controversial but I think he is after bursting his own balloon and pay packet,
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Given the pay gap in RTE are we going to see the pay of the male "stars" cut to bring it in line with the female "stars"?
That seems to be an equitable solution and will go some way towards addressing RTE's financial problems. So, reduce the sexism, don't increase the licence fee.
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Given the pay gap in RTE are we going to see the pay of the male "stars" cut to bring it in line with the female "stars"?
That seems to be an equitable solution.
I would agree it is the only way we would find out if they were paid more because they were Male if the were worth more they would leave RTE if they do not we know female got paid less because of there gender,
To be honest any of the Female who were paid less from a viewers point of view were as good or even better at there jobs than there male co worker/stars,

I think it's inevitable for such a left leaning organisation!
Two simple proposals... without getting drawn into publishing gender gaps, or imposing gender quotes.

All companies must publish the pay scales internally for their jobs per grade.

All jobs that are advertised \ interviewed for must declare the pay range in job spec.

That way, organisation can't turn around and offer dramatically more money to a man, or a woman, or to someone who is of one colour etc etc
If someone goes for the job and doesn't get it and feels it was because of their gender, or colour etc, then that's what existing equality legislation is for.
Many small companies don't have pay scales or even grades. They just have people doing their job and whatever else crops up and needs to be done.