Fancy a return train journey from Dublin to Belfast for only €7,722 but it takes 4 days?

Brendan Burgess

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A first look on board Ireland's first luxury train

Here is an example of one of the 4 action packed days.

Day 2

Northern Ireland

Belmond Grand Hibernian

Meet the impressive Belmond Grand Hibernian train at Dublin Heuston station and settle in to your inviting cabin. Relax as the train departs and savour an indulgent Irish afternoon tea.

Later on the train arrives in Belfast where you disembark for a private, guided tour of The Titanic Experience. Step inside this award-winning attraction and discover the enthralling history of the ill-fated ocean liner.

Return to the train and enjoy a leisurely dinner on board followed by the evening’s entertainment.
I wonder will the train get stoned at Lisburn which has happened to me on more the one occasion on the Enterprise, or will there be a security alert and they'll have to bus it from Dundalk?
Sounds like a regular commute to me on the Enterprise. A can of harp and a box of Pringles from the bar. Followed by a nice sing song. Sometimes there is even a bus tour thrown in.
How does it go from Heuston? The day before is in the Merrion. So surely Connolly would be easier...