Laya Family Health policy renewal 01/6/18


Registered User
Hi All,

We are a family of 4 (2ad, 2 ch) , currently the children are on Laya Flex explore 125 and adults on Flex explore 500. It is up for renewal on 1st June at over €1,900 .

I haven't fully looked into it but I see there is removal of cover for a few things on the Flex explore 500.

Can anyone recommend a better policy for us? To note, I had a small day case procedure last year in public hospital and had wisdom teeth removed in dental surgery 2.5 years ago. That is all we have used the policy for. My DH has stomach issues that were ongoing when we first took out the insurance so they arent covered for another 2 years anyway.

We are based in Dublin

Thanks, B

The recent changes to Flex 500 Explore relate to cover in hi-tech hospitals - Blackrock Clinic and Mater Private. Just cardiac and orthopaedic
surgery is covered on this plan in these 2 hospitals. There is no change at all to cover in all public and private hospitals as before.

If you wish to keep full cover in hi-tech hospitals as before, the following Laya plan is the cheapest alternative option worth considering.

1. Laya Control 600 Connect; price 852pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered, private/hi-tech excess 600 per admission,
day case excess 150 per procedure. No excess applies to any public hospital.
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If hi-tech hospital cover is not a priority, the following VHI plan is a cheaper option which covers all public and private hospitals as before.
2. VHI One Plan 500; price 731pa; all public and private hospitals covered, excess 500 x 2 max per year for all private admissions.
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Child Options
Flex 125 Explore is still good value, special offer pay for the first child and the rest are free.

The following 2 VHI plans are also slightly cheaper.
1. VHI One Plan Family; price 148pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered, excess 125 per private admission or day case.

2. VHI Parents and Kids Excess plan; price 153pa; all public, private and 3 hi-tech hospitals covered, excess 75 per private admission or
day case.
[broken link removed]

Regards, Snowyb
@snowyb Thank you so much for this. I was always under the impression Laya was cheaper but obviously not. I will check into these now in time for renewal.
Much appreciated