external hard drive



Im trying to get my hands on large capacity external hard drive. Its looking like about a euro for 1gb so a 250gb is around 240-250e for a maxtor or western digital on elara.

I know its possible to get a USB shell and pop an IDE disk into it, so if anyone has anyone has any experience of this Id appreciate it.
So I can either use this
usb case
and put
this disk in it.
As opposed to this maxtor external 250gb
Is there anything I should be looking out for disk speed wise, obviously the faster the better (or is it)?
Going with the Hard Drive + USB case option:

Here's a slightly cheaper disk
[broken link removed]

although you will need a 3.5 IDE case
[broken link removed]

Dont think the disk you are thinking of buying will fit into the case you pointed out.

Ha !

Just got a flyer mail from a disti.

They are pushing 250GB Lacie external drives with a USB2 port for 165 + delivery & VAT

Car, keep looking there must be lots of them out there

thanks lads. It looks like if I want 250gb, by the time I tack on delivery + vat Im hitting 200 euro no matter which model(s) I go for, and as theres extra features (firewire, backup s/w, security locking) with the external its looking like a better option.
Re: external

Lidl & Aldi were knocking out 250Gb drives for €169.99 a few weeks before Christmas. Bound to come 'round again — and probably a tenner cheaper...

I'm sure you can buy them online from abroad for cheaper, but these yokes are famous for overheating or otherwise 'dying'. With Lidl/Aldi, they usually come with a 3-year guarantee and a decidedly 'no-quibble' policy at any of the stores I've ever had to return stuff to.

I sink soon ve vill buy novhere else, ja? ;)