Hoping you folks can help me. I'm about to start teaching pc skills in the evening on a one on one basis. My question is relating to payments. How should I handle this? I'd like everything to be above board but I'm a bit clueless as to what I'm meant to do. I'll obviously agree a fee per hour with the customer in advance but how should I proceed? Should I expect payment after each session or should it be paid in part upfront and then in full at the end of the course. Should I invoice them and issue a receipt? Should I accept cash? And how do I go about notifying the tax office, or do I even need to (is there some thresehold of earning - I don't expect to be earning a huge amount). Any help or advice would be greatly apprecitated. And apologies for the amount of questions asked (complete beginner to this kind of thing!!) Oh, and I should add - will my employer be notified about this if I declare it to the tax office? I'd rather keep things seperate if I could.