EU have recommended that VRT is phased out over time.


Registered User
Why is it, every time the Government wants to tax us, ie septick tanks, household charge etc, they blame the Eurocrats for making them do it, but they have ignored the EU Vehicle registration tax recommendation for about 10 year ? and we are still paying it
simple answer, because the government is only interested in how much money it can steal from your pocket! any wonder new car sales are in the toilet.
Nothing to do with the car dealers having to make repayments on the grand glazed palaces that seemed so important for each dealer just a few years ago then?

In some cases, this was a basic requirement from the brand/franchise owner. If they didn't upgrade or build a new showroom/glazed palace, they were likely to lose their dealership.
Nothing to do with the car dealers having to make repayments on the grand glazed palaces that seemed so important for each dealer just a few years ago then?

Sorry, I don't see your logic here. The big garage showrooms are hardly causing sales demand to fall?
Lack of credit is causing sales to fall.
So is the general downturn in the economy.
For the record, VRT is 100% legal but it goes against the european Single Market principles. The EU have recommended that it is phased out over time.
For the record, VRT is 100% legal but it goes against the european Single Market principles. The EU have recommended that it is phased out over time.

Will never happen...

Ireland is not the only place that has VRT. Most EU states have it in some form or another.
In some cases, this was a basic requirement from the brand/franchise owner. If they didn't upgrade or build a new showroom/glazed palace, they were likely to lose their dealership.
It's up to the retailers to manage their supply chain. If they get unrealistic demands from their suppliers, they manage it.

Sorry, I don't see your logic here. The big garage showrooms are hardly causing sales demand to fall?

The repayments on the big garage showrooms are increasing the prices charged by the retailers and are causing sales demand to fall.
The repayments on the big garage showrooms are increasing the prices charged by the retailers and are causing sales demand to fall.

In a competitive marketplace, prices are set by what the market will bear, not by a function of the seller's costs. It doesn't matter one iota if the local Merc garage owes 20m for his showroom, if he prices himself above the market rate, buyers will go elsewhere. The end result is not a decline in car sales, but the closing of individual garages..not all car dealerships are glass cathedrals.

I agree though that dealerships were probably under pressure in the goold ole days to "invest" in these fancy showrooms. I know of one case personally where the owner refused and subsequently lost his dealership - he's the one laughing now.
Have you checked the Danish rates?

I believe that the Danish can claim tax back for having a car to drive to work. There is an allowance per kilometer derived from the distance between your home and your work.

Even still, a bog standard Astra costing €21k in Ireland costs €28k in Denmark, €17k in France and €15k in Germany and the UK. So much for the common market.